Who We Are
The C2C Education Network is a made-in-B.C. collaborative of partners providing place-based educational leadership and support to teachers, school districts and community partners through local, regional and provincial initiatives, events and activities across B.C.
C2C aspires to…
Connect and inspire K-12 teachers, students and community partners
Support place-based learning through professional development and other activities and strategies
Communicate and celebrate place-based learning success stories
Collaborate in a province-wide network of local and regional education leaders, partners and stakeholders

Our Vision
C2C envisions a province where all students and teachers are deeply connected to place, community and planet, are able to effectively communicate their stories of connectedness, and are taking responsibility to do so.
Our Mission
Growing leadership capacity for place-based learning in British Columbia and beyond.

Our Guiding Goals
Place-based learning is a core foundation of our curriculum in B.C. Teachers and students across the province are excited to be inquiring about issues and priorities that matter most to our communities with a more ‘local lens’. The C2C Education Network is working to support this leadership in place-based learning.
Our History
Launched in 2017, the C2C Education Network arose out of the collaboration of its core partners, school districts and communities over the last two decades…

How to Get Involved
Hear from inspiring educators and leaders of our network, and discover how the Classrooms to Communities (C2C) Education Network is working to bring place-based learning to the forefront of education across the province.