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The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) is a non-profit society and registered charity which encourages environmental stewardship and sustainability by supporting environmental education initiatives. In addition to offering support for educators in the Columbia Basin, they also run Canada’s Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store which provides Canadian educators with excellent equipment and resources.
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The Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF) inspires and empowers people and their communities to understand and care for the natural world through environmental education. The organization has been delivering environmental education services in B.C. since the 1980’s with a variety of engaging programs, resources and support for environmental learning and connecting people outdoors in nature.
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The Leadership Ecology Adventure Program (LEAP) offers field schools, wilderness journeys, innovative courses and clinics to support young people in We are dedicated to providing students with exceptional place-based learning opportunities that help them to better understand themselves within a greater cultural and ecological context. In doing so, we hope that our students will become spirited citizens and ambassadors of the planet.
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NatureKids BC is an exciting nature discovery and environmental action program that helps children aged 5-12, with their families, get outdoors to explore, play, learn about and take action for nature. Founded in 2000, NatureKids BC is a registered charity, powered by passionate volunteers, participants, and donors. From all corners of the province, our network of nature clubs and school members engage youth in exploring the wonderfully diverse ecosystems of BC. We address the need to build a healthy and sustainable future for our world by aiming to engage every BC child and their family in the diversity, complexity, and wonder of the natural world.
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The Outdoor Council of Canada (OCC) is a nationally incorporated, non-profit organization founded to promote and facilitate safety-oriented outdoor education, recreation and leadership. OCC ensures that the long-standing Canadian tradition of connection with, and involvement in, the natural world is maintained and nurtured in practical and accessible ways.
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Science World British Columbia is a not-for-profit organization that, through science and nature, ignites wonder and empowers dreams. The organization has engaged British Columbians in science and inspired STEAM literacy and leadership across our province for decades. Supporting schools, teachers and students is a primary focus for the organization.
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The Environmental Educators’ Provincial Specialist Association (EEPSA) is one of 33 BC Teachers’ Federation PSAs. Led by experienced classroom teachers, EEPSA provides professional development in a broad range of topics related to place-based and environmental education. EEPSA also facilitates networking for teachers interested in experiential learning to help them connect to community-based educators in their region. Through the development of curriculum documents, EEPSA advocates for ecological literacy across the K-12 curriculum in B.C.
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The Kootenay-Boundary Environmental Education Initiative (KBEE) is coordinated by the Kootenay-Boundary Chapter of the BC School Superintendents Association (BCSSA). This includes School Districts 5, 6, 8, 10, , 19, 20 and 51. The goal of the KBEE is to better support students’ understanding of their local environment and empower thoughtful action through learning that is outdoor, experiential, place-based and place-conscious.
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Metro Vancouver School programs inspire K-12 audiences to get to know, value and care about the place they live, work, play and go to school to ensure a livable and sustainable region. Metro Vancouver School Programs connect to BC’s new curriculum and provide a range of offerings including Field Trips, Teacher Workshops, K-12 Resources and Youth Leadership (Youth-4-Action).
Pacific Foundation for Understanding Nature Society
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Established in 1994, the Pacific Foundation for Understanding Nature Society (PacFUNS) endeavours to facilitate partnerships and direct fundraising initiatives that promote experiential place-conscious and nature-based environmental learning, leadership and cultural programmes. Pac FUNS’s goal is to enhance the capacity for experiential place and nature-based environmental and cultural learning programs throughout British Columbia, the Pacific Northwest and Canada.
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Take Me Outside (TMO) is a non-profit organization committed to raising awareness and facilitating action on nature connection and outdoor learning in schools across Canada. TMO works collaboratively with other organizations, school boards and individuals to encourage children and youth to spend more time outside through various projects and initiatives. They believe in a future where spending time outside learning, playing and exploring is a regular and significant part of every student's day.
Be the Change Earth Alliance
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Be the Change Earth Alliance (BTCEA) is a registered charity, founded in 2005, with a mission to educate and empower BC youth to take personal and collective action for a just, sustainable, and resilient world. BTCEA's flagship program, Student Leadership for Change (SLC), aims to empower teachers to engage their students in action-oriented, hope-inspiring environmental education. SLC learning resources and workshops have reached over 1,500 teachers and 40,000 students, who have collectively taken over 150,000 actions and diverted over 800 tonnes of CO2. We take a "head-heart-hand" approach to environmental and climate education, focusing on critical thinking, dialogue, values-shifting, and taking action.
Key Supporters
British Columbia Teachers' Federation
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BCTF advocates for teachers’ rights, promotes quality public education, and supports equitable learning opportunities for all students. It provides resources, professional development, and collective bargaining services to over 45,000 members across the province.
Vancouver School Board
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The Vancouver School Board is a large, urban and multicultural school district. We are committed to providing the highest quality learning experience for all students, helping them to reach their intellectual, social and physical potential in a safe and inclusive environment.
Vancouver Foundation
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Vancouver Foundation grants to hundreds of charities and non-profits in BC every year. Our vision is to create healthy, vibrant, equitable, and inclusive communities, and we focus on supporting projects that address the root causes of important issues. Our funding comes from generous gifts from the community, as well as from managing endowment funds for people, charities, and businesses.
Cariboo-Chilcotin School District (a.k.a. School District No. 27)
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The School District provides education to approximately 4600 students across 22 schools in a diverse geographical area about the same size as the Province of New Brunswick. The distance between our most eastern and western schools is over 500 km. Our teachers work in communities that range from a few families to one serving over 30,000 people. Our three smallest schools have less than 20 students while our largest has just under 1500.