Past Events: Networking Events

  • 2024 Virtual Winter Solstice Event

    A heartfelt thank you to all the teachers, community educators, and leaders who joined us online to celebrate and share our work connecting learners with place and the outdoors!

    From the inspiring speakers who shared their insights, to the amazing stories and resources exchanged during networking sessions, and the exciting activities — your participation made this event truly special.

    We hope you left inspired, energized, and equipped with new tools and connections to enhance place-based learning in your community.

    A big thank you to everyone who brought excitement to the event — and congratulations to our prize winners!

  • 2023 Summer Solstice Event

    Thank you to everyone who joined us on Thursday, June 22nd for our Annual Summer Solstice Event!

    We were so grateful to meet in-person as we learned about rain gardens, tried our hands at building microbits, AND had the chance to network with like-minded leaders from across the region.

  • 2022 Summer Solstice Event

    2022 Summer Solstice Event

    Thank you to everyone who joined us on Thursday, June 23rd for our Annual Summer Solstice Event!

    It was wonderful to connect in-person with inspiring educators from around Metro Vancouver and to celebrate our work connecting classrooms to communities. We hope the conversations were rich and the connections made continue to grow.

  • 2021 Summer Solstice Event

    On Thursday, June 17th, teachers, community educators and other leaders from across B.C. met online to share successful practices and celebrate our work that connects learners with place and the outdoors.


    • Learned about innovative programs and resources across B.C.

    • Shared ideas, inspiration and engaging strategies for teaching and learning linked to local places and outdoor spaces

    • Explored opportunities for collaboration and mentorship in their regions and beyond

    • Met fellow leaders and celebrated successful practices

  • 2020 Winter Solstice Event

    Featured Success Stories:

    • EKOLogy (East Kensington Outdoor Learning Program, Surrey)

    • Provincial Position Statement on Outdoor Learning

    On Thursday, December 10th, teachers, community educators and other leaders from across B.C. online gathered to share successful practices and celebrate our work that connects students with place and the outdoors during these challenging times.

  • 2020 Summer Solstice Event

    It was wonderful to connect and celebrate with so many inspiring place-based educators from across the province. While the format of this year’s solstice event was a bit different than usual, it was a rich and engaging afternoon of success story sharing and networking.

  • 2019 Winter Solstice Event

    It was wonderful to connect with inspiring place-based educators from around Metro Vancouver to celebrate our work. This event was held at Bao Down in Vancouver - Thanks to everyone for sharing your successes and opportunities, and for all your efforts this year!

  • 2019 Summer Solstice Event

    A thank you to all who attended our annual C2C Summer Solstice Event this past June! It was a huge success and great to see so many K-12 educators, post-secondary educators, community partners, collaborators and champions for change.

    This year, we started the celebration with a Leadership Circle of place-based learning champions from school districts across Metro Vancouver. This rich conversation shared some successes from across the region, and then made some headway into how we want to work together as a regional network. Some key ideas that came forward were: the power of intentional organization to amplify our voices, the importance of targeted collaborative time, processes to engage our district administrators, the importance of a strong mentor network for teacher candidates in this field, and a desire to map out our circle by district. We will pick up these key ideas and carry them forward when we meet again at the October Classrooms to Communities conference at UBC.

  • 2018 Summer Solstice Celebration

    This event welcomed community members, educators and leaders on a guided walking tour of New Westminster’s Pier Park. Formerly a heavy-industrial ‘brownfield’ site, multiple environmental award-winning Pier Park is an exemplar of urban renewal and environmental remediation, providing residents with a shared community space that reflects the City’s important past while acting as a model for sustainable urban development moving forward. This event brought together K-12 educators, post-secondary educators, community partners, collaborators and champions for change

    Event Co-Hosts:

    • BC Environmental Educators’ Provincial Specialist Association (EEPSA)

    • Metro Vancouver School & Youth Leadership Programs

    • Science World

    • WildBC & Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF)

Feedback from Past Conference Participants